Our Services

Investigations & Insurance Fraud

Leakages and frauds on account of claim / underwriting will adversely affect the claim experience, which in turn will affect the pricing. Because of the misdeeds of a few and because of the lack of effective control by the Insurance Company, the genuine customers, who constitute the majority, will have to pay higher prices for Insurance Products. In an open market with lot many option available, the consequence are very obvious. Not only because of higher prices it will deter new customer to come – even existing client base will start dwindling. It is, therefore, essential for their own survival that Insurance Companies formulate a claim management philosophy where concern on account of leakages and frauds are taken care of properly.

Experience in Health & Life insurance market

Get in Touch


E-327, New Minal Residency J.K. Road, Bhopal Bhopal MP 462023 IN


+9174774144 , +9109561106
